RCEF's success depends heavily on the generous contributions of our supporters. 100% of your donations will be used towards our programs and thus directly contribute to improving the quality of education in rural China. RCEF itself is run by volunteers and does not have any paid staff.
The Rural China Education Foundation is registered as a charitable organization. RCEF's Employer Identification Number (EIN) is 20-2753350.
Donations to RCEF are deductible from federal income taxes in the United States.
If you have any questions, please email donations@ruralchina.org.
By Check:
Donation checks may be sent to:
Rural China Education Foundation
PO Box 224
New York, NY 10276
By Paypal (preferred):
PayPal is an easy and secure method of making payments online using your debit card, credit card, or bank account. PayPal accepts a wide range of currencies. For non-US debit/credit card donations, your donation acknowledgement will include a conversion to your currency.